Introducing Peak Power handling and Thermal Drift Functions

Oct 24, 2022 • 5 min read

SynMatrix recently released new features in the automatic 3D modelling workflow:

  • Peak power handling
  • Temperature drift

Thermal Drift

Users will now be able to select a thermal drift setting directly in SynMatrix which will call the HFSS Eigenmode solver to initiate a frequency drift simulation. Users first synthesize partial structure dimensions based on a combination of materials selected; thereafter, users can build an independent 3D model in HFSS to analyze frequency drift and improve the simulation accuracy. It does that in several ways:

Symmetrical plane.jpg

  • Eigenmode simulation set up and mesh setting. By appling the synmmetrical plan setting, SynMatrix helps set up the synmmetrical plane automatically
  • Converge on real frequency. For lossy problems, selecting this option instructs the solver to check the real part fo the delta frequency as the eigen mode frequency will be complex in this case
  • Set lambda target. Lambda refinement is the process of refining the initial mesh based on the material-dependent wavelength.

Peak Power Handling

The Peak Power Analysis function is used to analyze the coaxial cavity with maximum power handling capability. It applies in filters for high power operation, where the ionization breakdown effect needs to be considered. This breakdown usually happens to the ground base and in some space-bound components.

peak power handling.jpg

Users first calculate the ionization breakdown threshold which is a function of frequency, pressure, and pulse; users can select either the air pressure or altitude as the option to obtain the breakdown threshold value.

The second step is to calculate the maximum electric field strngth in HFSS and calculate the corresponding stored energy. This can all be initiated from the SynMatrix GUI and these values can be obtained from HFSS directly. With this information now calculated, users can easily retrieve the maximum peak power handling capability.

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